So we’re well into Autumn, the temperature has well and truly dropped, the rain is here to stay and Afronation is now a distant memory. Naturally, as the winter approaches, we’re likely to feel more lethargic and our bodies may begin to slow down as if we’re hibernating. SAD - seasonal affective disorder symptoms begins to affect people which can potentially cause a huge shift to people’s livelihoods. S.A.D is a mood disorder where changes in the season, typically the autumn/winter months cause a depressive mood, low energy and a loss of pleasure in everyday activities. Approximately 3% of people are affected by SAD and will face symptoms of this as winter comes. Below i’ve come up with 3 things that could help you refocus your life in order to not only combat S.A.D but also get you (dare I say it) excited for the winter months ahead. 1. Update your budget/re-budget If you’re anything like me, Summer was madness on the bank account. I spent way more money than...
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