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Showing posts from May, 2020

The Parent-Child Dynamic

From birth, we’re taught that we have to be good and our said goodness is in direct correlation with our behaviour. We’re taught that if we do or do not do something, we’re good based on how we behave. Ultimately, this implies we’re not good already and when we’re constantly told to be a good girl/boy – it can be difficult to keep track of what falls into which category, especially when they’re different to whoever is looking after you. Our parent-child relationships are the foundation we build every other relationship in life on. Whether we were brought up in a single parent home, adopted or in a nuclear family (loving or unloving) – how we interact with people outside of our immediate family is directly based on those four walls. So, let’s talk about parents and how much weight their teachings hold when transitioning into adulthood.  The parent-child relationship has major influence on most aspects of child development – when we have the luxury of experiencing healthy parenting, it c