Hey lovely people, I hope you’re having a blessed start to the week and you’re not as stressed as I feel at the moment lol(work+ studies = stressville). This post is for all the people who set goals and feel like they never see them through. For the people too scared to set goals for fear of not fulfilling them. And for the people who could do with a few tips when considering a visionboard for the new year ahead. Peep my visionboard above. You may recognise it from my first post titled Dear Uni Students which you can check out HERE Guys, I can’t lie, I have flopped on all of these goals in many different ways. Whilst it is easy to beat myself up over it, I’ve decided to flip It around and really reflect on why I flopped and how I can make sure it doesn’t happen again in the same way. Of course, I won’t know if these tips will work until I put it into practice but I thought it best to share my thoughts in hope that it may prevent anyone falling into the same mis...